hi! welcome to toast and other things i like!

this is where i post fan art i like, comment, and mostly goof off. i don't give artists cause i'm lazy, sorry. but i will say that you are all completely amazing and thank you so much for drawing what you have, i love it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

want some? yap!! aww...this is cute tho...wonder why soul suddenly got glasses

alright really, this is just strange! justin and asura. really. why? how? what?
well they are both crazy i guess.
not that that really makes their relationship better.
must admit asura looks cute sleeping like this.

maka and soul again...being...romantic i guess we could say...*giggles creepily*

team kid! i love these guys, kid especially. and is it just me or does the style of this art remind you of k-on??

more soul eater...i'm posting this for lol...really this pairing is just...lol

heres a picture of maka and soul...love them!
you'll see a lot of them from me.


i doubt this blog will ever be read very frequently, but, nonetheless, i want to make it!
so i will.
this a blog mostly for me to post fan pictures of my favorite anime pictures and comment on them.
and yea, thats pretty much it.